Our education system has experienced quite some changes over its history. We don’t think too much about schooling systems when we’re children, so many of these “adjustments” over the past few decades probably flew over our heads.
At their core, schools are supposed to be environments to stimulate learning and socializing. However, haven’t you stopped to think about how many schools forget that we’re all unique and have different learning needs?
We’ve had years of standardized tests and countless hours of learning things that we probably won’t use when we’re older. Many people argue that the current education system promotes mindless conformity by using outdated methods to assess your intelligence.
When you think about it, it doesn’t make too much sense. Why is the education system like that? What influenced institutions to offer these resources to people? That’s what we’ll try to uncover here.
I’ll dive deep into the hidden history of our school system and how it has influenced teachers, students, and people in general.
How Has the U.S. Education System Changed Over Its History?
Not everyone is a fan of history, but understanding where we come from will help us see why society is the way it is today.
You’ll get a better idea of the true purpose of schooling in our nation, and why it may be scary to keep going with this classroom system in the future.
Early 90s
Our school system started back in the 1900s. Several oligarchs, including Rockefeller, Morgan, and Carnegie, were looking for ways to increase and preserve their wealth.
One of the ideas involved tax-exempt, non-profit organizations. These organizations were marketed as something “good” for people, which allowed them to easily sell them to the general public.
Back in 1900, we only had 21 of these organizations. By the end of 1990, however, there were more than 50,000.
J.D. Rockefeller established the General Education Board (GEB) in 1905. Its goal was to “keep the working class from having control over public teaching.” Rockefeller started to get support from Guggenheim, Carnegie, Morgan, Mellon, and Vanderbilt shortly after the board started.
The General Education Board’s first mission statement mentioned the following:
“In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions of intellectual and character education fade from their minds and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into men of learning or philosophers, or men of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, educators, poets or men of letters, great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, statesmen, politicians, creatures of whom we have ample supply. The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.”
Eight years later, the Congress concluded the following about the GEB:
“The domination of men in whose hands the final control of a large part of American industry rests is not limited to their employees but is being rapidly extended to control the education and social services of the nation. The giant foundation exercises enormous power through direct use of its funds, free of any statutory entanglements so they can be directed precisely to the levers of a situation; this power, however, is substantially increased by building collateral alliances that insulate it from criticism and scrutiny.”
What happened later? Between the 1920s and 1950s, the “founding fathers” of the General Education Board started the American Historical Association (AHA). Their purpose now was to create U.S. history professors.
Later, the founding group endowed “Columbia Teachers College,” and here’s when things get interesting: This institution produced one-fifth of American public school teachers, one-third of presidents for teacher-training groups, and even one-quarter of superintendents.
The institution had full control over textbooks and literature in public schools. In other words, what was taught had a specific narrative in place.
Rockefeller was able to get control over many policies in the educational system, which also allowed him to control the flow of taxpayer funds through property ownership. He used his influence and power to open more educational institutions.
You can consider this the origin phase of our education system. Most of the efforts were put into opening institutions and gaining control over the historical narrative that was shared with students.
Unfortunately, things only get worse from here.
Mid 90s
In 1952, Edward E. Cox led the “Cox Committee Investigation” program, which aimed to learn more about tax-exempt foundations and how they’re using their resources. Cox also wanted to determine whether these organizations were using resources for subversive activities or other factors that were not in the nation’s best interest.
Then, in 1954, the House authorized Norman Dodd’s “Reece Committee,” which aimed to investigate why these organizations were founded and how they influenced public life. According to his research, funds from major foundations like the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace were used to deteriorate teaching techniques to enable oligarchical collectivism.
Later in the 1960s, the UNESCO Convention Against Discrimination aimed to “end discrimination,” although some people could also see that as an effort by the United Nations to have control and influence over schools in the U.S.
During these years, the Feminist movement started to get more powerful too. This allowed more women to work in the industry. Since the educational system had already gained power over the past 60 years, there was a higher demand for early education and daycare workers.
As you can see, the system had already become suspicious for a portion of the population back then. Even though there was already some awareness about how schools were influencing kids, adults, and culture in general, the last few decades in the 90s had more plans.
Here’s a rundown:
1967-1974: The government (specifically the Department of Education) started testing the Prussian education model for the nation’s system. This system focused on behavior modification, which aimed to maintain control and teach specific ‘proper’ and ‘improper’ behavior.
1972-1980: Several professors from funded institutions started to write books that may have pushed biased opinions. To summarize, these promoted the idea that parents and their children had to learn a global perspective to “avoid rejection of values being taught in school.” Most people could find these writings/ideas in different media channels, including professional educator journals in the nation.
Late 90s
The 1990s saw new laws that promoted standardized teaching. They encouraged to train children for particular career paths within the global workforce. In other words, we started getting educated to follow the same idea instead of being encouraged to make our own decisions based on current knowledge.
In this era, the Clinton Administration passed these three main laws:
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Goals 2000 Act
School-to-Word Act
The 90s also started benefiting from computers, which people used to collect information about students and other relevant areas within the industry.
By the time the 2000s arrived, the traditional educational system was a “success.” There weren’t too many changes during this era, but there are a couple of things worth mentioning:
The Common Core State Standards Initiative began in 2010. Its goal was to establish the skills that students should have in different subjects at every grade, particularly English and Math. More than 40 states adopted the “Common Core” standards to increase consistency within the system.
We got the Zero-to-Three program. Essentially, it works to ensure that “all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life.” While this non-profit organization says its goal is to provide parents, policymakers, and professionals with the tools to educate children as early as possible, some people argue that this could be just another way to force the current education system on toddlers as early as possible.
How Will Schools Perform in the Future?
Is the current educational system meant to prepare people to work, or is it shaped to allow students to explore their creativity?
When you think about it, most schools promote three main factors:
These could be great values to learn and apply later in life, but what about everything else? You could argue that these three factors are just requirements to produce factory workers and that’s why schools don’t focus on other important areas of life.
We live in an era where the internet and social media are more accessible than ever. Both have transformed the way how we learn, so there’s no doubt that many schools are getting worried about their influence on people.
It may be tricky to tell what will happen with schools specifically. Considering how technology has advanced to this point, we could expect institutions to use augmented reality and AI to make the learning experience more immersive for students.
While that sounds exciting for some and scary for others, we’ll have to wait and see what happens. We’ve reached a point where it’s hard to control what people consume on the internet, which has its pros and cons. While we can only hope that schools change and promote a healthier and more effective environment where students can think for themselves, you can guarantee the internet will have a heavy influence on that.
How Can We Solve the Problems with Our Educational System?
Changing the entire education system may seem impossible, so what can we do?
Spreading this information may be a great step to take. Bringing awareness to these problems may one day yield positive results.
I also recommend expanding your learning horizons as much as possible. With responsible and safe use of the internet, you can learn many new things without worrying about narratives or manipulation most of the time.
We Have to Take Action
You may have seen how it’s much easier now to voice your opinion.
As you learned from this page, most education systems have remained the same over the past few decades despite all the technological advancements.
However, we’re not in the industrial age anymore; we’re now living in an era led by the internet and AI, making these older educational systems outdated and irrelevant. This is why homeschooling has become more popular.
Even if we’re not able to change the entire system anytime soon, you can take action by exploring alternative education options for your children (and yourself). It’s never too late to learn something new.
Yes, you can, under several valid legal theories. But you must be very careful, or the court can turn your case into a word salad. “Try sharing a [critical] article about big pharma, let alone any article not by a scientist or doctor receiving a clawback or royalty, and see what happens.” This is the main concern of many doctors and nurses we have heard about regarding keeping an online presence and not losing followers.
No one wants their hard-earned social media throttled, especially by someone receiving millions in ad spending and government subsidies with no way to fight back. After all, cases like Issac’s or John Stossel’s (discussed below) failed to proceed, so there is no way to win, right? This is the argument you see everywhere from the pro-censorship crowd regarding suing and winning against social media for defamation.
Here’s another one. “You can sue all you want, but finding a judge to make the proper call is becoming increasingly more difficult as politicians appoint judges that support their viewpoint discrimination,” according to a retired special needs teacher and Orange County School Board member (and Marine vet) Robert Hammond. So what about suing social media conglomerates and their allies for altering your copy with misleading “fact check” labels? It’s a question many of us have pondered as we increasingly encounter these labels across various platforms. But we saw many influencers and even a former president get their accounts messed with over this, often at the behest of FBI officials or officials from another administrative agency inside DC. (Hunter Biden Laptop, etc.)
In my opinion, a goal of Section 230 (discussed below), as well as Net Neutrality, was to make sure the original poster could freely share their ideas and, in exchange, prevent the content host from being sued if the poster defamed someone. In other words, the hosting platform, or in this case, the social media company (was protected), would not get sued if they didn’t censor or “alter” the content.
But here, on more than one occasion, social media companies have labeled true information false, defaming the ACTUAL content posters/creators themselves through inference and innuendo and then hiding behind the section designed to make it fair for all parties despite their patently unfair inducements.
You are a Hateful Bigot Says Social Media Companies?
Imagine having your content falsely labeled “hate speech.” Internet companies are getting away with it, and many courts are letting them present patently false misinformation about your content, which is why I wrote this. Then there is that pesky issue now decided by at least one court that our own government has urged content and entire accounts to be censored.
“This is the worst First Amendment violation in our nation’s history. We look forward to dismantling Joe Biden’s vast censorship enterprise at the nation’s highest court,” Missouri’s Attorney General Andrew Bailey said in a statement.
Obviously, we know former president Donald Trump agrees, but I digress. When read along with Net Neutrality, it is clear that many fact checks are designed to harm the reputation of the original publisher, lifting the protections of Section 230 et. seq. According to the tangible evidence released in the Twitter files, more often than not, true stories about Democrat politicians and their ideas are attacked most vigorously, raising concerns to many civil rights lawyers such as myself. Despite good faith efforts to appeal a social media account suspension, Most politically suppressed posters complain the process is unfair. As will also be discussed, many fact-check labels make up ideas not expressed in the actual checked piece and label them false as well.
Are Fact Checkers Really Independent?
Absolutely NOT if they are being paid, especially by someone who shares their same viewpoints – BIAS.
“We’ve found that PolitiFact often rates statements that are largely true but come from a GOP sources [sic] as ‘mostly false’ by focusing on sentence alterations, simple mis-statements, fact-checking the wrong fact, and even taking a statement, rewording it, and fact-checking the re-worded statement instead of the original quoted statement.
We know that Zuck, for example, pays a so-called “independent fact checker” to label your facts, and by extension, you, as well as your research, as “false” or “fake.” We know from the Twitter Files that career and appointed bureaucrats in US agencies put pressure, either directly or indirectly, to take down accounts expressing viewpoints about the Hunter Biden laptop, even though the govt knew all along it was not connected to a “Russia Hoax.”
Most So-Called Fact Checkers Lean Left, Yes
Factcheck.Org leans left as another example. Although most non-partisans agree Snopes is off the scale, far left, it only received a rating of leans left. Here is a tool to help you see opinions on where other for-profit media sites lean, including left or right.
This video sums up how many conservatives, libertarians, and anyone else who does not support the so-called globalist view feel about social media companies and their campus crusader-style fact-checks.
We know that many FBI agents get jobs with big tech, particularly at social media companies. Once this connection and its implications on elections, etc, we started seeing legacy media take down stories about it.The Commerce Department has gotten nowhere, and it appears our Administrative agencies have become centers of revolving-door employment, giving social media companies enormous influence over the Justice Department and other agencies. Conservatives complain that social media companies are so powerful they were able to alter the results of the last presidential election by defaming the true Hunter Biden Laptop story. (Discussed more below).
Can Adding Speech Be Considered Altering Speech?
Absolutely. Adding speech, especially in a way to disparage or falsely characterize something you wrote, is NOT NEUTRAL and definitely not in GOOD FAITH (See Sec. 230 ) when the intent is to create the impression the author is a liar or hateful.
Augmentation: Depending on the nature and purpose of the speech, adding speech to an original article can be a form of augmentation or enhancement rather than alteration, especially if the added content complements or expands upon the original text
Alteration: If the added speech – or, in this case, a misleading fact check label – significantly changes or misrepresents the meaning or intent of the original article, it may be considered a form of alteration.
As always, as a lawyer, you must consider the context and purpose of the speech addition. If the speech aligns with the overall message and intent of the original article, it may be seen as a permissible modification or enhancement. On the other hand, if the added speech distorts the original message or introduces new ideas that conflict with the author’s original intent, it could be viewed as an alteration.
Here is an Example of an Attorney / Section 230 Expert Who Says Social Media Companies Don’t Alter Speech
Within seconds of me posting this on Twitter, a gentleman described as:
“Once in conservative media before it went insane. Also once a foreign service officer and an attorney. My passion is S. 230”
Tweeted me. Here is our colloquy.
Goober: Adding speech is not altering speech.
Website owners have the First Amendment right to determine exactly what speech occurs on their private property.
Please follow this guy; his passion is S. 230. I generally think everyone should express how they feel free of censorship. Keep in mind, if you engage him, he has a tendency to take your conversations out of context, and cite unpublished cases as “mandatory authority.” (An unpublished case is NOT binding authority – Published in legal jargon means it is “citeable.” So even if it’s “published” online, that does not mean the same thing as “published” for use in a court case.)
Mr. Goober also has zero ability to brief or distinguish facts from cases he cites. He also refuses to consider alternative facts or theories argued in this document other than his dogmatic, you are a “Goober,” and you don’t “know the law.” Be advised.
But What About Mac Isaac v. Twitter, Inc.
In Mac Isaac v. Twitter, Inc., 557 F. Supp. 3d 1251 (S.D. Fla. 2021), Plaintiff failed to plausibly allege a claim for defamation per se on a “Motion seeking to dismiss the Amended Complaint with prejudice because the Explanations do not meet any of the elements required of a defamation per se claim.” Plaintiff lost because he failed to adequately plead defamation per se, entitling the defendant to attorneys fees: In other words, had Plaintiff adequately pled statutory negligence, SLAPP would not have acted as a mechanism to award attorney’s fees.
“… the instant suit arose from Defendant’s protected First Amendment activity—i.e., preventing the dissemination of the NY Post Article on its platform for violation of its content moderation policies.” (See also, Corsi v. Newsmax Media, Inc., 519 F.Supp.3d 1110, 1128 (S.D. Fla. 2021).)
Yes. I am an expert on SLAPP/ANTI SLAPP; see also STUART v. TORRANCE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICThere. (Attorney(s) appearing for the Case-Parker & Covert, Henry R. Kraft and Michael T. Travis for Defendant and Appellant. Law Offices of Michael P. Ehline and Michael P. Ehline for Plaintiff and Respondent.)
What About John Stossel’s Lawsuit?
In a nutshell, the court, without objections I could find, used the words “fact” and “opinion” as if they were interchangeable words, a gift to defense counsel, according to many legal theorists. (Need a copy of the final complaint and any depositions from experts as to this issue)
Here is what the court said about it in BLACK and WHITE.
“Meta argues that the complaint incorporates this webpage by reference. Dkt. No. 27 at 3 n.2. Mr. Stossel does not object to the Court’s consideration of the contents of this webpage for purposes of deciding defendants’ motions. See, e.g., Dkt. No. 49 at 5-6 (quoting statements from webpage).”
Stossel literally allowed the court to click through the site and use Meta’s buried definitions of fact and opinion, as opposed to expert testimony as to the viewing public’s accepted view of a fact versus an opinion. The court even pointed out that someone seeing a big label that says “FACT” could click to another page. Imagine if someone sold you a cure for cancer, but when you clicked the word cancer, it defined cancer as hanging toe nail. That is what occurred here for lack of a better description.
In any event, Stossel also failed to allege anything the fact checker said was false, and even if he had, the court simply was able to rely on Meta’s definitions, etc. in “deciding defendants’ motions.” Here, “U.S. District Judge Virginia DeMarchi also found that Facebook couldn’t have defamed Stossel because its fact-check program “reflects a subjective judgment about the accuracy and reliability of assertions” made in the content that’s been checked.
“Simply because the process by which content is assessed and a label applied is called a ‘fact-check’ does not mean that the assessment itself is an actionable statement of objective fact,” reads the order.” (Source.)
Obviously, an expert witness or the court taking judicial notice could have proven that most people will see a fact check label as an objective fact because that is how the word is used in the commonly accepted English-speaking world. These labels are designed to discredit certain authors, whether facts are objectively true or NOT. (It’s clearly an unfair business practice under California Business and Professions Code Sec 17200, et esq.)
Stossel sued over defamatory fact-check labels, which is similar to my argument. However, in addition to other potential errors, I found that Stossel’s lawyers did not plead inducement, inference, or innuendo because people who see these labels do NOT CONSIDER them to be opinions. I think the court was flawed in ignoring the normally used definition of fact versus opinion and simply letting loose that one can be the other. I think nuances like this make the difference.
While courts generally take judicial notice of facts that are commonly known, including common, everyday terms, it’s important to note that the specifics can vary based on jurisdiction and the nature of the case. Judicial notice is a legal doctrine that allows a court to accept certain facts as true without requiring formal presentation of evidence. These facts are typically well-known, indisputable, or easily verifiable.
Common, everyday terms that fall within the realm of general knowledge may be subject to judicial notice.
However, there are factors and limitations to consider:
Common Knowledge: Courts should sua sponte, take judicial notice of facts that are so widely known or indisputable that they do not require formal proof. Everyday terms that fall into this category may be eligible for judicial notice.
Relevance: The court must determine whether the common, everyday terms are relevant to the issues at hand in the case. If the terms are not directly related to the legal matters being considered, judicial notice may not be appropriate.
Dispute: If there is a genuine dispute about the meaning or understanding of common terms, the court may choose to hear evidence or argument rather than taking judicial notice. Here, Stossel’s counsel agreed the Meta website would decide the motions – there was no dispute.
Notice and Opportunity: In some jurisdictions, parties may have the opportunity to object or present evidence opposing the court’s decision to take judicial notice. This ensures fairness and due process.
In any event, if the allegations about Stossel were true, then they are true facts. The issue on appeal would seem to be the court’s findings of fact since no objection was apparently raised to these issues I have brought forth to my knowledge. (Still, they DO NOT say “opinion,” check. The checks are also backed by force, and account bannings occur even if the facts are true, making them seem like they are the true and ONLY facts.) In my opinion, this was a flawed ruling, and I think it was wrongly decided.
What About Wilson v. Twitter, Inc.?
Wilson-2 argued that in Wilson-1, plaintiff Wilson apparently complained he was being discriminated against for being heterosexual, but he did not know how to draft a complaint, so we’ll never know. The Court found that the pro se Plaintiff did “not have adequate available funds to pay the filing fee upfront. Therefore, the Court GRANTS Plaintiff’s Application to Proceed Without Prepayment of Fees and Costs. (ECF No. 1). (Source.) Here, the unrepresented, destitute plaintiff gave absolutely “no factual allegations to support a civil rights violation by Twitter.” (Source.)
In other words, he did not know how to draft a complaint to defeat a demurrer, motion to strike, or summary judgment motion. “Wilson asserts that his complaint is brought pursuant to Title II of the CRA, codified as 42 U.S.C. § 2000a.” (Supra, Wilson, 4.) But since “Title II does not prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,” he failed to state his claim. Wilson also argued his “Christian affiliation” was being discriminated against under the same section. “Wilson has yet to submit facts corroborating that belief, notwithstanding the written decision in Wilson I, which explained that supporting factual allegations were required to state a plausible claim against Twitter.” Besides, in pro per, litigant Wilson failed to provide “evidence apparent from the record that Twitter applied this policy to Wilson’s tweets in a discriminatory manner.”
Part Two, Section 230
Here, Wilson attempted to “hold Twitter liable as a publisher for its refusal to allow Wilson access to Twitter’s platform.” What he failed to do was to point out that the word “fact” means things. In this case, when Twitter or another platform declares the publisher to be spreading false information, and that declaration is NOT IN GOOD FAITH under the plain language of Section 230, the case can move forward. You must plead sufficient facts or lose the right to move forward.
Section 230(c) provides, in relevant part:
“Protection for “Good Samaritan” blocking and screening of offensive material
(1) Treatment of publisher or speaker: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
(2) Civil liability: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of – (A) any action voluntarily TAKEN IN GOOD FAITHto restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or [EMPHASIS]
“In summary, as Wilson’s complaint is devoid of a factual basis demonstrating that Twitter violated Title II of the CRA, the undersigned FINDS that Wilson fails to state a plausible claim for which relief may be granted.” “For the reasons set forth above, the undersigned RECOMMENDS that the presiding District Judge DISMISS the complaint, with prejudice, (ECF No. 2); and REMOVE this matter from the docket of the Court.”
He didn’t know what he was doing, Wilson lost. HE NEVER PLED THE ACTIONS TAKEN WERE NOT IN GOOD FAITH either. It’s that simple.
What About Loomer v. Zuckerberg?
The plaintiff, a female, sued Facebook and Twitter over several bans. She also argued, “Procter & Gamble (which advertises on those platforms) and unnamed government officials constitute a racketeering enterprise.” “by engaging in interference with commerce by threats or violence, interstate transportation in aid of racketeering, wire fraud, providing material support to terrorists, and advocating overthrow of the government.” She filed an RICO action. Getting this so far?
How Did Zuck Get the Case Tossed?
“The Twitter and Facebook defendants contend that the claims are barred by the doctrine of res judicata and § 230 of the Communications Decency Act, and all defendants contend that the plaintiff cannot plausibly plead RICO claims. In addition to opposing the motions to dismiss, the plaintiff moved for leave to amend her complaint to add new allegations, which are mostly about internal Twitter documents that allegedly show coordination between Twitter and the federal government.”
Here, the court granted Zuck and the other defendant’s motions to dismiss “with prejudice” because res judicata barred the claims against Twitter and Facebook, and in addition, § 230 also bars those claims as an alternative ground for dismissal, and the RICO claims were also futile. As I have argued, the court properly found that “Under the Communications Decency Act, website operators generally are immune from liability for third-party content posted on their websites and for removing such content, but website operators are not immune when they create or develop the information, in whole or in part. 47 U.S.C. § 230(c)(1) & (f)(3).”
However, as noted herein, when social media companies intentionally and in bad faith mislabel a person, even an expert, regular folks believe the fact checker, and they fear suspension if they disseminate true but now maliciously mislabeled copy. (“website operators are not immune when they create or develop the information, in whole or in part…”) The Act itself covers bad faith alterations as excepted from Section 230 protections. In any event, the plaintiff failed to plead that Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Zuckerberg acted based on their own personal conduct outside of the protected corporations they manage, or run. Since she argued apparently that this was their official capacity and, with no arguments, proferred that the content had been altered with unclean hands, they were “immune under § 230 to the same extent as Twitter and Facebook.” (Source.)
What About Brianne Dressen, et al. v. Rob Flaherty, et al.?
Major advertisers, aka partially tax-funded/subsidized, immune from being suedpharma companies, were alleged to have worked hand in hand to censor accounts in conspiracy with social media giants.
“The Plaintiffs have all been heavily censored on social media for sharing their personal experiences, exchanging advice, medical research, and support with others who were medically harmed after taking the vaccine.”
Their social media accounts are at constant risk of being frozen or disabled just for engaging with other users in private support groups open only to vaccine-injured individuals and sharing perspectives the government deems misinformation. (Source, NCLA.)
Here is a copy of the original complaint. The government is now trying to delay the matter since they LOST their “demand for preliminary injunction in NCLA’s Missouri v. Biden case against social media censorship.” I will keep an eye out for any outcomes. Media Inquiries: Judy Pino, 202-869-5218
In Freedom Watch, the plaintiff failed to allege colorable legal claims in its complaint. Freedom Watch, Inc. v. Google, 368 F.Supp.3d 30, 36–37 (D.D.C. 2019). On appeal, the three-judge panel reached the same conclusion. However, nothing I am arguing is saying we are suing for the First Amendment. Defamation is NOT FREE SPEECH. It is defamation once proven. And if a court finds the defamatory content is not defamatory, it can be subject to SLAPP/Anti-SLAPP provisions, etc. In Freedom Watch, it appears no FOIA requests were made to uncover a conspiracy, nor was sufficient evidence of state action or involvement to defeat a dismissal of the pleadings.
Words Mean Things – A Fact is Not an Opinion
A fact is NOT an opinion in America and the accepted English language. So, judicial notice must first be addressed. Words mean things.
The key difference between a fact and an opinion lies in their nature and verifiability:
Definition: A fact is a statement that can be proven or verified to be true or false. It is an objective and concrete piece of information.
Factual statements are based on evidence, observation, or reality.
They are objective and not influenced by personal feelings or interpretations.
Facts are universally accepted and can be independently confirmed by others.
Example: “Water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level” is a factual statement that can be tested and verified.
Definition: An opinion is a personal belief, judgment, or interpretation that may vary from person to person. It reflects an individual’s perspective or feelings about a particular subject.
Opinions are subjective and are influenced by personal experiences, values, or emotions.
They are not necessarily verifiable or provable since they represent personal viewpoints.
Different individuals may hold different opinions on the same matter.
Example: “Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor” is an opinion because it reflects a personal preference and is not universally true.
Facts are objective and verifiable statements based on evidence. Opinions are subjective expressions of personal beliefs or preferences that may not be universally applicable or provable.
With some basic legal research, you will see that nothing in Isaac changes anything I just discussed as a claim.
Industry Jokes
The industry jokes are that:
Former US Navy SEALS do podcasts and write their biographies
Discredited and retired FBI agents get jobs with big tech, social media companies or for-profit legacy media.
For instance, MSNBC deleted this gem from public view:
“Hundreds Of Former Feds Have Flocked To Jobs In Big Tech
Diana Glebova
Google, Twitter, Meta, and TikTok’s executive ranks have included over 200 former employees of surveillance government agencies, creating an employment pipeline between the government and Big Tech companies, a Daily Caller investigation found.
The technology companies recruited 248 employees from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and DHS, a LinkedIn search revealed. The hiring occurred mostly between 2017-2022, with several filling top director positions after having decade-long careers in surveillance agencies.
Google hired 130 former DOJ, DHS, CIA, and FBI employees, the Daily Caller’s key term cursory search on LinkedIn found. Meta, the company that owns Facebook and Instagram, employed 47 people for those three entities who were previously at the DOJ, FBI or DHS. TikTok, the Chinese-based app embattled with national security concerns, employed 25 former DOJ, FBI, DHS or CIA employees. Twitter had 46 executives who had previously spent time working for the three-letter agencies.
Reed Rubinstein, former deputy associate attorney general under President Trump, told the Daily Caller that Americans should be “concerned” about “terrifying” integration of Big Tech companies and federal agencies.
“The revolving door has been a feature of D.C. for as long as I can remember. Any business that is heavily regulated is going to be concerned about managing the regulators, and one way to do that is by purchasing them,” Rubinstein said.
“As we saw with [Jim] Baker, they are still wearing — sometimes — two hats. They still talk informally to folks who are in the [intelligence community], and so it’s not necessarily a clean break. In fact, what they pay for, is those relationships,” Rubinstein added.
“The integration of Big Tech and the national security state … really it’s dystopian, it’s terrifying. They have enough data to show that that power, which is immense, will be abused. And right now, there is no effective check on it,” he said.
These are just some of the excerpts from this article. I encourage you, real journalists and researchers, to use the wayback machine here and make a copy of the entire article. I only used quotes and did not add the entire piece. Keep in mind that large, for-profit media and social media companies are experts at removing things, even from web archives, so read it here as a cached version on Yahoo! while you can.
The FBI & the Hunter Biden Laptop
How the FBI & intelligence community discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings both after and *before* The New York Post revealed the contents of his laptop on October 14, 2020
In Twitter Files #6, we saw the FBI relentlessly seek to exercise influence over Twitter, including over its content, its users, and its data.
In Twitter Files #7, we present evidence pointing to an organized effort by representatives of the intelligence community (IC), aimed at senior executives at news and social media companies, to discredit leaked information about Hunter Biden before and after it was published.
The story begins in December 2019 when a Delaware computer store owner named John Paul (J.P.) Mac Isaac contacts the FBI about a laptop that Hunter Biden had left with him
On Dec 9, 2019, the FBI issues a subpoena for, and takes, Hunter Biden’s laptop.
We now also know a unit inside Twitter was apparently made up of retired FBI agents. Many pundits argue it was designed to run interference, likely due to their connections and influence inside.
We also know that the former head of Twitter’s “Trust and Safety” division, Yoel Roth, was accused of allowing child porn on his site.
Roth also wrote a thesis in college about allowing little boys access to an adult gay online dating site. To be sure, there were a lot of things we’d have never known, but Elon Musk produced the emails and other hard, physical proof. Since then, Biden Admin agencies, legacy, and for-profit media have gone all out to take down Musk, say many.
Now imagine this: was Yoel Roth involved in censoring stories that could have led to pedophile rings in government, starting with, say Epstein Island? This is what many parents are concerned about. As more and more Twitter Files are released, only time will tell. One thing is sure: Musk probably has more dirt on the Bidens and former Twitter employees than J. Edgar Hoover had on JFK. Remember him? He started the FBI and apparently blackmailed your elected leaders to stay in power for fifty years. Has anything changed?
Musk/Twitter Takeover – Newsom Moves to Force Censor Accounts?
X filed a complaint against AB 587 saying that it’s “difficult to reliably define” what constitutes “hate speech, misinformation, and political interference.” It also alleged – like something out of a George Orwell novel, that AB 587 would force social media platforms to “eliminate’ certain constitutionally-protected content.” And this is real stuff people. Cultural Marxist ideology is now part of official California policy. Final text of AB 587 here and here is a little more about it.
Here is a small excerpt of the vague and ambiguous absurdities of this knee-jerk, un-American law.
“A statement of whether the current version of the terms of service defines each of the following categories of content, and, if so, the definitions of those categories, including any subcategories:
“AB 587 requires social media companies to post their terms of service online, as well as submit a twice-yearly report to the state attorney general. The report must include details about whether the platform defines and moderates several categories of content, including “hate speech or racism,” “extremism or radicalization,” “disinformation or misinformation,” harassment, and “foreign political interference.”
It must also offer details about automated content moderation, how many times people viewed content that was flagged for removal, [Obvious invasion of privacy and govt overreach] and how the flagged content was handled.” (Source.)
One thing is clear: legacy media and social media all seem to be pushing the same political viewpoints when it comes to minor children and radical transgender ideology as well. So it is clear that Newsom intends to shut down anything leftist politicians think meets these definitions, say many Christians and others.
Maybe the fact checkers could turn their attention to these posts instead of banning people for posting conservative memes and jokes! pic.twitter.com/lZOhfrOaAr
Often, these fact-checkers hired by social media companies lean towards partisan views, primarily favorable Democrats (Politifact, Snopes, Newsweek, you name it), and are financially backed by billionaire democrats like Mark Zuckerberg. Properly, the convolution of truth stretches beyond these partisan affiliations. Although social media and other fact-check sites will say your content is false when it isn’t, they worm their way out by saying it’s “opinion,” therefore shielding themselves from civil liability in U.S. Courts.
Understanding Net Neutrality and Section 230
Net Neutrality
Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers should treat all data on the Internet the same way, without discriminating or charging differently based on user, content, website, platform, or application. Although many argue and many courts have held that social media is not an ISP, others argue that net neutrality principles should extend to how platforms handle content and user access.
Net neutrality ensures that users have equal access to all content and that ISPs do not have the power to control or manipulate the speed or accessibility of certain websites or services. It promotes an equal playing field for online businesses and innovation. In this case, the fact that social media sites are creating an impression you are a liar, for example, would be more significant in my opinion as to whether one could plead extrinsic facts via inducement or innuendo.
Section 230
Section 230 refers to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 in the United States. Section 230(c)(1) provides, with some exceptions, that “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”
Section 230 has been crucial in fostering the growth of online platforms and encouraging them to neutrally moderate content to maintain a safe and constructive environment. It shields online platforms from being held liable for the content created and posted by their users. It allows them to neutrally moderate content in an unbiased manner without facing legal consequences for every piece of user-generated content.
“This sentence is sometimes referred to as the “26 words that created the internet,” because it freed websites that host third-party content from the impossible task of accurately screening everything posted by their users. For example, if your neighbor posts a tweet falsely alleging that you are embezzling money from your employer, you can sue your neighbor for defamation. But a suit against Twitter will go nowhere. As the text of Section 230 makes clear, it is your neighbor and not Twitter that bears the liability for the defamatory tweet.”
Fact Check Label Designed to Destroy-Discredit Reputation of Content Creators / Sharers?
I believe many billionaire defendants win due to systemic failures by courts, as well as plaintiffs to understand the law here. No “Inducement and Innuendo” has been argued in ANY OF THE DEPUBS I have seen so far. No cases have expressed the bad faith nature and clear intent to make the viewers think this often political content has leprosy. A Fact is NOT an OPINION. If so, it should be called an “opinion fact,” and no other actions against the account should be taken since it is being censored for being false, which is ….wait for it, FALSE.
So far, the plaintiffs have had the wrong courts, and they have failed to argue some key things discussed in the article. Most of the defensed cases seem to have been handled by amateurs or others with less crafty lawyers than big tech. We also must understand the role money plays here and where people, including elected officials with connections from the government, go for cushy jobs when they retire or quit early.
Clearly, many of these “fact checks” [often political] are obviously created to discredit the original poster, effectively labeling them crackpots with HUGE labels, hiding content, and then threatening those who share it or outright banning accounts. Many of the bannings and censoring are a direct result of pressure by the Obama and now Biden Administrations. (Judge limits Biden administration contact with social media) If you have evidence that Trump FBI asked social media platforms to censor political opponents or commentators, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me right away.
Defamatory Language and False Fact Check Labels:
Defamatory language involves making false statements that harm the reputation of an individual or entity. In the context of fact-check labels (from social media companies), if a fact-check label includes false information that harms someone’s reputation, it could potentially be considered defamatory. However, the legal interpretation may depend on various factors, including the level of malice, the truthfulness of the fact check, and the public figure status of the person involved.
Inducement and Innuendo:
Inducement: Is the act of persuading or influencing someone to do something. In defamation, inducement may involve convincing others that false information is true, harming someone’s reputation.
Innuendo: In defamation, innuendo refers to a hidden or implied meaning in a statement. In defamation cases, there could be an implied meaning that, while not explicitly stated, could damage the subject’s reputation.
Methods of Defamation:
Defamation can occur through various means, including:
Slander: Spoken false statements.
Libel: Written or published false statements.
False Imputation: Making false accusations or attributing false characteristics to someone.
Innuendo: Using subtle implications to convey damaging meanings.
Inducement: Persuading others to believe and spread false information.
Social media sites like Instagram warn you that your account will be removed unless you voluntarily remove the copy. Ultimately, they will throttle you so no one sees your copy or delete your account. (George Orwell warned us)
Instagram censors content it’s fact checkers deem unsuitable, but you are allowed to remove this censor pic.twitter.com/ZO0HaqYlQh
This scheme has worked well to discredit differing viewpoint news organizations like the New York Post, Epoch Times, and others who go against the official govt/social media partnership narratives.
If Zuck Says it’s an “Opinion,” Why the “Fact Check” Label?
“I believe fact-check labels are more of personal opinions rather than solid facts”— Mark Zuckerberg, during a congressional hearing.
Zuck Transcript Excerpts
“…describe what you fact check on oh sure
4:26 actually thank you for the opportunity
4:28 to clarify Facebook itself actually does
4:30 not check it does not fact check what we
4:32 do is we have feedback that people [leftists we pay called fact checkers] in
4:34 our community don’t want to see viral
4:36 hoaxes or or kind of like that maybe
4:39 clear you do no fact-checking
4:41 on any ads is that correct chairwoman
4:44 what we do is we work with a set of
4:47 independent fact checkers [false, they are paid by for Zuck] who somebody
4:50 fact checks on ads you have you contract
4:54 with someone to do that is that right
4:57 chairwoman yes and tell me who is it
5:01 that they fact checked on a chairwoman
5:05 what we do is when content is getting a
5:08 lot of distribution and is flagged by
5:10 members of our community [liberals] or by our
5:12 Technical Systems [liberal written algo] it can go into a queue
5:16 to be reviewed by a set of independent
5:17 fact checkers
5:19 they can’t fact check everything but the
5:20 things that they get to and if they part
5:23 something is false then we all right my
5:24 time has expired..”
That leads us to untangle a crucial distinction: the difference between fact and opinion. A fact is something that’s indisputable, based on empirical research and evidence. However, an opinion is an individual’s personal belief, which may be grounded in facts, but not always. Naturally, the line blurs between reality and perception when opinions are paraded as facts.
Presenting opinions in the guise of facts leads us into the territory of inference and innuendo defamation colloquy. It’s an arena where insinuations replace facts. Corporations, usually at the behest of politicians and government agents, don’t call the label and following threats “opinion check.” In that case, they know the less educated or more viewpoint-indoctrinated among us will assume it means the information is patently false. For this reason and others, Elon Musk created “Community Notes.”
Fact Check: TRUE ✅
What is your overall impression of Community Notes?
I think they could skip the notes on the memes and the obvious satire videos. But overall I think it has been a great program. https://t.co/qoO3PoGPxU
Musk encourages independent research instead of the uni-party narrative approach on Meta and other corporate sponsor-influenced social media platforms, including Instagram. Newsom and Marxist politicians in California do not like the idea of the government not being able to silence their political opponents, and that is UNDISPUTABLE, say many pro-speech organizations. Conservatives and parents complain the goal of the supermajority state of California is to control what their political opponents say online, under the guise of safety, etc. If it’s about pharma, parental rights, child mutilation, or far-left gender identity indoctrination K-12 in our public schools, that is considered “hate speech” to them.
The intersection of personal opinions, put forth as facts, and these notions of net neutrality and section 230 complexities pose a significant challenge in the digital information age we live in.
First, you’ll need an understanding of the context. The fact-checking community is predominantly composed of individuals who lean towards the Democratic party and are often funded by Democrat billionaires. This might give an impression of a potential bias in interpreting and presenting data in these “fact check” labels.
Fact: A fact is something that is objectively true and can be proven with evidence. It isn’t subject to debate and remains true regardless of personal beliefs or feelings.
Opinion: An opinion, on the other hand, is a subjective belief formed by an individual. It can be influenced by personal experiences, feelings, and interpretations, which differ from person to person.
Another tactic often used in “fact check” labels is the application of inference and innuendo defamation colloquy. This refers to the insinuation or implication of something negative or misleading cloaked within seemingly innocuous language. It’s like stating a veiled opinion or claim as a “fact check,” which is dishonest and could be misleading.
The concept of Net Neutrality emphasizes equal access and fair treatment of all data on the internet, preventing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from discriminating or prioritizing certain data types. This same principle should ideally extend to social media platforms and their approach to fact-checking, where all information should be evaluated with unbiased fairness.
However, the existence and operation of social media platforms are primarily facilitated by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This clause provides immunity to online platforms regarding the content posted by their users. Ironically, while it allows these platforms to moderate content to maintain user-friendly environments, the extent of this moderation and instances of potential bias remain matters of ongoing debate.
So, can you see, the question of whether you can sue social media for, inter alia, altering your copy with misleading “fact check” labels is complex and depends on various factors? It can include your location, the specifics of the alteration, and whether you can prove it caused you harm. Legal counsel should be pursued if such measures are considered. However, the broader conversation on fact-checking, impartiality, and the responsibilities of online platforms continues to evolve as we plunge deeper into the digital age.
Do you agree that using labels saying “misinformation” and then threats to the original poster and content curators over the content crosses the line into treating an opinion as fact? Do you think we need a new law or just better courts? Can an executive order decide this, or is that even fair? Bust out your tools and let me know so we can do a podcast.
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “Can I sue the National Security Agency (NSA) for recording my telephone data and spying on my calls?” – you’re certainly not alone. In this article, we’re going to explore this intricate issue, shedding some light on rogue NSA agents who have unlawfully accessed personal data on phones without a warrant, the legalities of the NSA surveillance program, storing smartphone data, and the reasons underlying these seemingly controversial procedures.
“At the heart of this matter lie fundamental questions about privacy, the limits of governmental power, and the means we’re willing to accept in the pursuit of national security.” A while back, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit made it clear that the secret warrantless telephone surveillance, which covertly recorded millions of Americans’ phone records, transgressed the requirements of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
This NSA spying action could even be seen as a violation of the constitution. In June 2013, after NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the presence of a certain program, the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union promptly lodged the pertinent lawsuit. Seven years after the former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the mass surveillance of Americans’ telephone records, an appeals court has found the program was unlawful – and that the US intelligence leaders who publicly defended it were not telling the truth. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is known to be a client of Verizon Business Network Services.
It came to light through The Guardian that this very firm had been given a clandestine directive by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor calls of the ACLU. This directive obliged Verizon to continuously and on a daily basis, hand over detailed records of phone calls such as distinction of outgoing and incoming calls, and their respective timings. Snowden is currently evading US espionage charges in Russia, publicized this domestic eavesdropping by the National Security Agency (NSA) back in 2013. He viewed that recent ruling as affirming the correctness of his decision to reveal the NSA’s covert activities and illegal surveillance to the public.
In the case known as ACLU v. Clapper, the government had contended that the court shouldn’t even assess the legality of the program in question. Their stance was that the ACLU didn’t have the necessary “standing” to dispute the surveillance. Furthermore, they asserted that Congress had “precluded” any judicial review unless it was by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. This particular court convenes behind closed doors, infrequently publicizes its decisions, and generally only allows the government to present arguments. However, in a significant decision, these arguments were not accepted.
In 2013, it was revealed that the NSA collects almost 200 million text messages per day globally
In 2015, a federal appeals court ruled that the NSA’s bulk collection of phone records was illegal
On September 2, 2020, the bulk data collection program was officially terminated. This conclusion was enabled by the passing of the USA Freedom Act in 2015, which demanded NSA law enforcement agents cease all data hoarding activities of innocent Americans later that year.
Let’s delve into this multifaceted issue:
Examining real-life examples of rogue NSA agents illegally accessing private phone data
Discussing why the NSA isn’t required to obtain a warrant to secretly store your smartphone data
Together, we’ll attempt to unravel the complex world of national security provisions and their impacts on individual privacy rights. Stay tuned as we navigate these murky, often misunderstood waters.
Instances of NSA Overreach?
Is it possible that your personal, private information has been inappropriately accessed by NSA agents? In the pursuit of promoting national security, a few instances of overreach have indeed come to light. Some cases have stirred up public outcry and debates about privacy, sparking discussion about the balance between national security and citizens’ rights.
One standout example involves allegations that rogue NSA employees were openly using their position to spy on people’s sexual activities and other private information. It may seem more like the plot of a dystopian novel, yet various media outlets have reported on what’s been colloquially termed as ‘LOVEINT.’ This term describes a situation where NSA officers misuse surveillance tools to spy on their love interests and other people they know personally.
Why Doesn’t the NSA Need a Warrant?
Now, let’s switch gears slightly and discuss why the NSA isn’t routinely required to get a warrant to store your smartphone data secretly. This predicament primarily hinges upon the interpretation of certain key legal provisions. According to the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, a warrant is required for any search or seizure to be deemed “reasonable.” However, the amendment is generally interpreted as safeguarding places where a person has a “reasonable expectation of privacy.” Therefore, much of this issue boils down to whether metadata—information about when, where, and to whom a call is made—constitutes information for which a person reasonably expects privacy.
Famously, the NSA’s bulk metadata program, revealed to the public by Edward Snowden, was justified under Section 215 of the Patriot Act. This legislation holds that the government can obtain any tangible things (including books, records, papers, documents, and other items) it deems relevant to an investigation to protect against international terrorism.
In essence, legislation and its interpretation continue to shape the landscape in which the NSA and similar bodies operate. Legislative complexity and technological evolution further muddy these waters, making it a tough field to negotiate for those seeking clarity on their rights.
Can You Sue the NSA?
Gauging from the above, you might wonder if it’s possible to sue the NSA for recording your telephone data and spying on your calls. The answer to this is somewhat challenging to pin down, as the cases that have attempted to do so often face an uphill battle.
Legal redress for violations against privacy rights exists in theory. However, the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act has limited citizens from successfully suing the NSA. Notably, because suing would require classified information, in many cases, these lawsuits are dismissed on the grounds of state secrets privilege — an evidentiary rule created by U.S. legal precedent. Despite how a court rules, many people fear leftists inside our government like Liz Lerner, Lisa Paige, or Peter Strzok could rise again, or maybe already are undermining Americans with secret surveillance.
To conclude, striving for the perfect balance between individual privacy and national security has always been a contested feat. As technology evolves and more of our lives are digitized, these debates are set to continue. Understanding our rights, and the challenges inherent in maintaining and advocating for those rights, is the first step in navigating this brave new world. However, the fact our own government lied and concealed that they were spying on ordinary Americans until a whistleblower revealed it, is a slap in the face for constitutionalists like me. Do you trust the government still after reading this? Do you think they are still illegally recording the phone data of innocent Americans?
Here’s the deal, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUBMIT to biometric eye scans to enjoy your unalienable right to travel. You went to the airport recently and were told you have to do a bio-metric eye scan by Department of Homeland Security. (DHS). No one said it was voluntary, so like sheep the the slaughter, you went for it, even though you have passport photos. In a world rapidly resembling George Orwell’s dystopian universe, the surveillance of free citizens rises as an alarming concern. It’s not just eye scanners, facial recognition software is also becoming part of the boarding process. After 9/11, a commission said full implementation of the biometric entry-exit scanning should occur. However, in 2017, President Donald Trump’s executive order pushed to expedite a full roll out.
What is CLEAR?
CLEAR is a private security screening company that’s made its presence felt at more than 50 U.S. airports. It employs biometric technologies as a security measure for quick and easy verification of travelers. (aka entry exit scanning). The company opts for a paid membership model, where members subscribe to the annual CLEAR Plus subscription for a fee.
Previously, CLEAR utilized iris scanning and fingerprint-checking measures for identity verification. However, in keeping with advancements in technology and aiming to deliver efficient services, it’s resorting to facial recognition. The new screening technology by CLEAR, named NextGen Identity Plus, is being launched in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security and TSA.
Here’s How CLEAR Works
Let’s break down the mechanics of facial scanning at airports: The procedure starts off with cameras capturing your image. (facial recognition scanning). Following this, the Traveler Verification Service, run by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), comes into play. This sophisticated system cross-references your captured image with a photo already in possession of the Department of Homeland Security. These pre-existing photos could be sourced from your passport or any other official travel documentation you’ve provided in the past. The ultimate aim? To supersede traditional manual inspection of passports all across the nation.
A report from the Georgetown Center states current flaws in facial recognition technology claims a false denial occurs for one in every 25 travelers as well. Besides that, the Deep State and its friends in big tech get these great tax funded contracts with your tax dollars, as they fly on private jets, immune from their security processes to a large degree.
“Right now, there is very little federal law that provides any type of protections or limitations with respect to the use of biometrics in general and the use of facial recognition in particular,” – (Source, Jeramie Scott, national security counsel, Electronic Privacy Information Center) This organization filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for additional info about this confusing, cash cow for political party donors program.
The issues of false negations seemingly influenced by race or gender were highlighted in a letter penned by senators to Secretary Nielson. They demanded a copy of any material presented or read to travelers to ensure they are made explicitly aware of their right as American citizens to refuse facial scanning. The American Civil Liberties Union has gone above and beyond in their approach, appealing to airlines to refuse participation in the program until all privacy-related concerns are fully addressed.
As always, the deep state claims sacrificing liberty means you won’t need boarding passes, or some other safety feature, if only you comply and let them compile data on you that can be shared throughout the United States and world. As a society prioritizing liberty, privacy advocates claim we now find ourselves caught in the tenuous balance between personal safety and individual privacy. Privacy advocates argue that we’re trading our basic rights for perceived convenience and safety. One such manifestation of this ‘new normal’ is well-illustrated by the security measures now implemented in airports, specifically, the face scanners of the private security screening company, CLEAR.
“As someone who flies constantly, I’m really disturbed to see the transformation of airports into biometric surveillance centers,” Albert Fox Cahn, founder and executive director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP).
Unravel the reasoning: Understand why the state wants to surveil free men and women.
Learn to resist: Discover how you can combat oppressive surveillance and protect your basic rights.
Use the legal system: Find out the steps to sue TSA for civil rights violations.
Prevent a dystopian future: Empower yourself to avert a life akin to a George Orwell Novel
Our privacy is a fundamental right that must be cherished, respected, and above all, protected. Let’s delve into this issue together, demystifying the maze of surveillance and finding the path towards preserving our freedoms.
Why does the state want to surveil free men?
The crux of the matter is that surveillance and control are inherently linked to power and security. It’s no George Orwell novel; rather, it’s a reality we are experiencing in the digital age. Biometric data, including facial recognition, provides a significantly higher degree of certainty for identity verification. It enhances security, streamlines identification processes, and can even be instrumental in solving crimes.
What is the legal basis for the state’s increased airport surveillance?
The legal basis for the state’s increased airport surveillance primarily stems from the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) passed by the U.S. Congress in 2001 following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In other words, everytime a criminal breaks the law, law abiding citizens see their freedoms stripped away, here as part of the aircraft boarding process. This Act established the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and mandated the federalization of airport security, transferring the responsibility from private airlines to the federal government to verify travel documents, etc.
The ATSA grants the TSA broad powers to implement security measures, including the use of biometric and facial recognition technologies, to prevent terrorist activities. The Act also allows the TSA aka Department of Homeland Security, to collaborate with private companies like CLEAR to enhance security measures.
Another legal basis is the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. However, courts have generally upheld airport security measures, including body scans and pat-downs, as ‘administrative searches.’ These are a category of searches for which the government’s need to ensure public safety outweighs individual privacy rights.
Additionally, the Privacy Act of 1974 provides some legal basis for the collection and use of personal data, including biometrics, by federal agencies. However, this Act also requires these agencies to provide notice of their data collection activities and to maintain the security of the collected data.
Lastly, the use of facial recognition technology by private companies like CLEAR is also governed by various state laws and their own privacy policies. These companies must comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding data privacy and consent. However, the legal landscape around the use of facial recognition technology is still evolving, with some cities and states enacting laws to restrict its use due to privacy concerns.
The Trade-off: Security Vs. Privacy
While there’s an undeniable value in bolstering security, surveillance raises serious concerns when it comes to civil liberties. With companies like CLEAR and TSA implementing facial recognition, it’s legitimate to question – at what cost do these upgrades come? Are we trading our privacy for convenience?
How Can We Fight Back Against State Surveillance?
Why do these powers and companies like Delta Air Lines (e.g., TSA PreCheck® and CBP Global Entry members to the front of the line) and American Airlines wish to monitor free citizens so closely on both domestic and international flights? And what can you do to fight back to assure you can use a traditional boarding pass? In particular, if forced to use eye scanners, can you sue the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for violation of your civil rights? The escalation of surveillance techniques will raise numerous questions about your next travel experience, especially in more leftist areas like Los Angeles, especially when LAX International Airport law enforcement personnel demand your biometric information.
Enlisting the expertise of the Ehline Law Firm, a warrior in the battle against privacy invasion, we will investigate this impending Orwellian reality, exploring how the firm can aid those caught in the crosshairs of overly-zealous security measures.
Even if you are at an airport, where security is paramount, it is important to remember you have rights that you can assert. Despite the prevalence of biometric security systems, they are not irreversible – yet. You have the choice to opt-out, and while it may result in some inconvenience, it’s a stand you can take for your privacy.
“When we choose convenience over privacy, we lose an integral part of our freedom. Therefore, it’s crucial to challenge any violation of our privacy rights.”
Can You Sue TSA For Civil Rights Violations?
Yes, you can. In circumstances where the TSA forces you to use eye scanners or facial recognition technology, it’s important to consult with experienced lawyers, such as Ehline Law Firm. They specialize in civil rights cases and will help you understand your rights as well as navigate the process of filing a lawsuit in San Jose, San Diego, New York, or even Las Vegas.
Furthermore, Ehline Law Firm can help you challenge any action that infringes upon your legally protected rights and freedoms. They have a committed team of expert lawyers who can assist you in standing up against civil rights violations, including unlawful surveillance. And remember, taking a stand is not just about defending your rights, but also about preserving the essence of privacy and liberty for the future.
So the next time you find yourself in a situation where your privacy is at stake, remember – your courage and awareness can make a difference! You shouldn’t be forced to balance privacy and technology as part of the check in process.
The COVID-19 new boosters target BA.5 omicron subvariant and will soon be available to the public.
A Cause for Concern?
What’s concerning is that the vaccine manufacturers, who have not had the time for human trials, have received a green signal for fall. Let’s explore the details of the news with Ehline Law and our personal injury attorneys.
FDA Taking a Serious Gamble on Early Release of New Covid Boosters
The Biden Administration is pushing for a booster campaign to start in September, putting a lot of heat on mRNA vaccine-makers Pfizer and Moderna. The new COVID vaccines have only been tested on mice without going through human trials. It is a risky bet for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, relying on mice trials and similar vaccine human trial data.
The original vaccines went through human clinical trials at the NIAID’s vaccine research center before being available to the public.
Lack of Clinical Data Could Further Threaten Public Trust
The COVID-19 vaccine campaign in the United States was met with people who accepted the vaccine and the “anti-vaxxers,” who started their own social media campaign against the horrors of vaccination.
A few death cases arising from health complications after receiving vaccines further cemented anti-vaxxers’ narrative and lowered public trust, especially for booster doses. Federal Health officials hope the new boosters will provide more robust protection than the current booster doses while targeting the original strain. However, the lack of human trial data means that the FDA does not know whether the new vaccines will be more effective than the current ones or the health impact they may have on the vaccinated.
Many experts believe the FDA’s decision to proceed without human trials is risky. If the booster doses do not work as intended, it could be a severe dent in public trust. According to Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist, there is no reason to believe that the new vaccines might be unsafe. However, he remains skeptical whether it will be better than the current vaccines.
Barouch, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine maker, reported their boosters only had a marginal improvement in immune response over the original vaccine.
No Time for Human Trials, States FDA Health Advisor
It is important to remember that the FDA authorized the first version of mRNA vaccines after assessing safety and efficacy data based on the thousands of human trials conducted. The new mRNA vaccines target the original strain and BA.4 and BA.5 omicron subvariants.
Supporters of this controversial move believe that vaccine manufacturers have had a lot of experience in the past two years to deem the new vaccines safe without the need for human data.
Dr. Ofer Levy, an infectious disease specialist and an advisor to the FDA, argued that the death rate from coronavirus is more likely to jump during fall and winter. By implementing this approach, the FDA can prevent the severe disease from spreading.
Waning Effectiveness Could Mean Another Wave of Hospitalizations
The urgency of rolling out the new vaccines arises from the concern of the nation’s top health executives. Heather Scobie, a CDC epidemiologist, spoke about how deaths and hospitalizations in the country have risen again. He stated that the omicron variant continues to mutate into more transmissible subvariants capable of avoiding the protection offered by original vaccines.
Because of rapid mutations, concerns arise about the waning effectiveness of the older vaccines, which could lead to an increase in hospitalizations and deaths, especially with how people will spend most of their time indoors during winters, an environment for the virus to spread swiftly.
Mouse Experiments Are Notoriously Unreliable; Critics Say
Not everyone believes that the decision made by the FDA to roll out vaccines after only conducting mice trials would benefit the country. John Moore, an immunologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, finds it bizarre that the FDA is relying on animal studies as these are not predictive of the effects of the vaccine in humans. According to Moore, the FDA is just making guesswork rather than basing its decision on analysis and consultation with experts.
Health Officials Handling Covid Vaccines as Flu Vaccines
Deepta Bhattacharya, an immunobiologist, takes a somewhat logical approach to the argument. Speaking with NPR, he stated that health officials now understand vaccine development and how to work with them. Bhattacharya further said that flu vaccine manufacturers change their vaccine each year to match the latest strain but do not conduct yearly trials; the same is the case with Covid vaccines now. Researchers are handling it just like they would any flu vaccine.
Dr. Peter Marks, responsible for heading the FDA department that reviews vaccines, backed the organization, stating it is confident and has the experience to predict the effectiveness of the vaccines from available data using animal testing and without clinical trials.
Why Didn’t mRNA Vaccine Manufacturers Have Enough Time for Clinical Trials?
The two mRNA vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer and Moderna, initially focused on developing a vaccine with original spike protein targeting the omicron variant BA.1, responsible for many hospitalizations and deaths in the winter of 2021.
The rapid evolution of the COVID-19 virus has made it challenging for manufacturers to keep up with it. By the time the mRNA vaccine manufacturers decided to ready the vaccines, more transmissible subvariants had driven the BA.1 booster out of prevalence. The FDA requested the manufacturers to focus on targeting omicron BA.5, the latest dominant subvariant.
Such a decision did not allow mRNA vaccine manufacturers enough time to carry out clinical trials for their bivalent vaccines if they were to roll out the vaccines by fall to help prevent hospitalizations and deaths.
Immunity under PREP Act – Can You Sue for COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects?
In 2005, the president of the United States signed the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act or PREP Act, which provides legal protection to manufacturers and distributors of vaccines in the country, unless in the event of willful misconduct. It was a way to expedite vaccine development for infectious diseases.
Under the PREP Act, there is no party you can blame in the US court of law. You cannot sue the manufacturer or distributor for your vaccine side effects. What about the government? Can you sue them then, as many are also concerned about whether or not they can sue the Food and Drug Administration for side effects as they authorized the release of the vaccine without human clinical trials?
Because of sovereign immunity, you cannot sue the FDA as well! Many businesses are making it mandatory for all their employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Employers legally have the right to impose such a requirement on their employees, which means you cannot pursue legal action against your employers for any side effects of the vaccine you were “forced” into taking.
Workers can seek protection under anti-discrimination laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, which exempts workers from getting a vaccine if it violates their “sincerely held” religious beliefs.
In cases where an employee suffers severe side effects from a work-mandated COVID-19 vaccine, they may be able to apply through the workers’ compensation program, treating the side effects as a work-related injury. Still, there are significant limits on the FDA authorization of damages one can recover.
Recovering Damage for Immune Response Disinfo?
That said, governments have provided a way to recover some damages if anything were to go wrong following immunization to both the original strain and Omicron BA.1. Under the PERP Act, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program allows eligible individuals to recover benefits up to a specific limit based upon their human data and how it affected their human cells. After all, it’s all mouse data!
However, it can be challenging to recover under the program as the bar for evidence is relatively high, which can be an obstacle for those affected by COVID-19 vaccine side effects as compelling evidence of how it will infect cells is not available early on.
Recovering compensation under the workers’ compensation program may be easier if you contract side effects. To know more about your rights, you can go to the Ehline Law Firm website for a free consultation with legal experts there.